Friendship Series

New opportunities, new experiences

The Romanian and Hungarian Triathlon Federations are launching a new international competition series called Friendship.

Our goal is to further increase the awareness and popularity of the sport, and to provide competition opportunities for as many age-group and recreational athletes as possible.

The series, which runs from the end of May to September, includes the most prestigious events in Romania and the best-known ones in the country.

Anyone who participates in at least one of the series events in both countries will receive a unique gift.

Friendship Series

The series, which runs from the end of May to September, includes the most famous Hungarian and the best-known Romanian competitions. We encourage everyone – not only Hungarian and Romanian sportsmen and women – to try new venues and compete in as many races as possible.

New opportunity

We hope that the Frienship Series will provide new experiences for participants and prove that sport can bring two countries and two nations closer together than ever before. The Hungarian-Romanian initiative has already been a success in terms of sports diplomacy, with several countries indicating that they would like to join a similar regional or even transcontinental series in the future.

new experiences

Anyone who participates in at least one of the series events in both countries will receive a unique gift.

Hungarian Competitions


XXXIII. Tisza Triatlon
Junior Ranking and Sprint Distance Amateur Cup


Zalatriatlon Sprint 2024 – Junior and age-group sprint ranking race


40. Vasi Vasember Triathlon
Short Distance Age-Group Cup


Old Lake Man
Short Distance National Championships


XL. Fadd-Dombori SporTolna Triatlhon Festival


XXXV Anniversary eXtremeMan Long Distance Triathlon National Championships


Balatonman Fűzfő Triatlhon Festival

Romanian Competitions


Xman Oradea


Transilvania Triathlon Festival





You are your own worst enemy, you are your own best friend, you are your own limit.


In other words, the Romanian and Hungarian triathlon federations are launching a new international competition series called Friendship. The aim is to further increase the awareness and popularity of the sport in both countries and to provide as many age-group and recreational athletes as possible with the opportunity to compete.

New opportunity, new experiences: launch of the Friendship Series

Let’s take the first step together and meet this summer at the Friendship Series!

We are confident that the Friendship Series will provide new experiences for participants and prove that sport can bring two countries and two nations closer together than ever before.

More information

More information on the series:


The Romanian and Hungarian triathlon federations are launching a new international competition series called Friendship. The aim is to increase the awareness and popularity of the sport in both countries, and to provide as many age-group and recreational athletes as possible with the opportunity to compete.

Registration for the series is not required as the Federations will control the entries.


Spirit Veszprém Triatlon Fesztiválmáj. 26. (v)Veszprémsprint
Keszthely Triatlon 2024 Középtávú Országos Bajnokság és Sprint versenyjún. 8. (sz)Keszthelysprint, half
XIX. Mogyi Triatlonverseny Sprint Elit Országos Bajnokság és ranglista versenyjún. 23. (v)Bajasprint
XXXVIII. Palóc Tereptriatlon Országos Bajnokságjúnius 29. Balassagyarmatsprint és UP
Zalatriatlon Sprint 2024 – Up és amatőr sprint ranglista versenyjúnius 30. Zalaegerszegsprint és UP
Old Lake Man Rövidtávú Triatlon Országos Bajnokságjúlius 13-14.Tatashort, half
Jubileumi XXXV. eXtremeMan Hosszútávú Triatlon Országos Bajnokságaugusztus 10.Nagyatádlong
Balatonman Fűzfő Triatlon Fesztiválszeptember 7. Balatonfűzfősprint, short, half, long


Xman Oradeajúnius  8.Nagyváradrövid, közép, hosszú
Transilvania Triathlon Festivaljúlius 6-7.Marosvásárhelyrövid, közép 
TIMIȘOARA TRIATHLONjúlius 20.Temesvársprint, rövid, közép
Transfier Triathlon 2024szeptember 7.Transzfogarasrövid, közép
H3RO Mamaiaszeptember 28-29.Mamaiasprint, rövid, közép

Contact the Association and we will help you to register.